Wake Up Call

Every morning a little after 6 a.m. I hear the sound of little feet across the hardwood floor. If that doesn't wake me, I usually hear her turning the door handle. She comes straight to my side of the bed with her pillow and blanket in hand and waits for me to pick her up and put her in bed. She'll lay with us but there's no falling back to sleep for either of us. (Usually her daddy can sleep through it. She clearly didn't get his sleeping habits.)

Last night I debated setting an alarm since I didn't need to be anywhere early. I dismissed it knowing my daughter would wake me up no later than 6-something. Without fail, 6:11 a.m. brought my live wake up call.

I didn't bound out of bed like usual. I was tired. I've worked long days along with later than usual bedtimes. 

"Are you sick?" she asked as I laid there not quite awake.

"No, just tired." I told her.

"It's okay, mama, I can pray for you." She proceeded to put her hand on my head and pray, "Dear Jesus, help mama feel not tired. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Bless. Her. Heart. <3

My weariness gave way to gratitude as I realized the habits she's forming. Not just early morning wake up calls, but lifelong lessons of what I pray is her understanding and eventually coming to a saving relationship with Jesus. 

She's not quite 3 but her simple "faith" already grasps the fact we can call on Him at any time for anything. Truly! It's that simple. 

He doesn't require anything from us except our willingness. Our willingness to call on His name. Our willingness to ask Him. Our willingness to seek Him. Our willingness to allow Him to handle our requests.

As simple as it was, my daughter had the right idea of casting any and all cares on Him. No matter how big or small, He invites us to lay our burdens at His feet. We aren't asked to bear them. He even promises to give us His strength in our weakness, tiredness, and inabilities.

I'm thankful for this reminder today. Even if it did come early!


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