Tis the Season

It's the most wonderful time of year. It's the time of year I've waited for. Oh yes, it's Christmas alright and I know this because of the white fudge Oreos and white chocolate raspberry creamer I've recently found in the stores. You know my obsession with coffee and cookies (and not necessarily these together). For me, no plain Oreo will do. I preferred double stuf'd. And even more than that, I prefer the seasonal holiday Oreos with the colored centers. I'm not sure what it is about the colored cream that makes me believe it's somehow sweeter. In spring there's yellow, orange for fall and Christmas time, of course, we have red. But this seasonal limited edition cookie dipped in white fudge - well, I search for them every year signaling the official "season."

It's the same search and success when I finally find pumpkin spice creamer in the fall. It makes the anticipation worthwhile. And it also makes me appreciate the flavors and finds I can only savor for a brief time each year. I do my best to stock up but inevitably the supply will dwindle well before my February birthday. 

Feel love. 

Share joy.

Christmas spirit in the air. It lends itself to smiling at strangers or wishing Merry Christmas to those around you. We drop change in the bucket. We reach out to neighbors, friends and those we haven't seen or kept in touch with all year. We buy gifts for the angel tree. We actually employ the lost art of snail mail and send cards. We feel good when we're doing good. Yet I wonder; why do we only seem to extend this courtesy and care for others at Christmas?

Tis the season for added generosity. Tis the season for blessing others. Tis the season for giving. Tis the season for sharing and caring. But why is it only a season? 

If we get down to the real meaning of Christmas then I have to believe it's about sharing the spirit of Christ - the epitome of love, caring, sharing, generosity, kindness, goodness and joy. It's the spirit of Christ in us, which is not meant to be seasonal. Certainly the fruit of His Spirit dwelling in us was never intended to be a limited time offer.

We shouldn't have to search for it. It's shouldn't be something we wait for all year. It should be alive and active and dwelling in us daily. If we lived like everyday was Christmas we wouldn't just seek to bless someone in a season but rather we would see the opportunities around us all throughout the year. This isn't about the spirit of Christmas - it's about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that transforms our thinking, acting, doing and causes us to celebrate, encourage, share, give and love no matter what date the calendar reads.

Our celebrations will be to share with those we love and, hopefully, to honor Christ's birth. This year I'm compelled to consider that if we truly want to honor His birth, we must remember to honor His life and His entire reason for coming to earth by extending the holiday well beyond the 25th of December. This isn't a limited edition helping of the Spirit. This is the eternal gift of salvation that transforms lives. You don't have to stock up on Jesus like I do on my limited time flavors before they disappear. You simply have to choose to live and walk with Him everyday.  


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