21 Day Fix

This is week one. Done. It's an accomplishment I'm proud of because the last time I stuck to a strict workout and eating plan was when I was training for Miss Virginia...and that was a loooong time ago. But even more proud are the inches that I'm losing as I see my body get toned and back into the shape it was before my pregnancy. It's been hard. I wanted to quit. I wanted to cheat. (Okay, being honest, I've cheated a teeny little bit.) But I'm seeing results and fitting into my old clothes and that in itself makes it worth it. One week down. Two more to go for round 1. 

This specific plan requires a commitment to a very clean eating meal plan in addition to a 30 minute workout each day. You commit to 21 days because that's how long they say it takes to break an old habit and create a new one. The idea is not to pig out on fast food and sugar on day 22. It's to create new eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. It's about what I put in - the work I put in AND the nutrition I give my body. The benefits are not just being seen - they're felt! I have more energy and my stamina and strength are increasing. Our June vacation has me committed. Last summer I spent my days at the pool in maternity bathing suits. This summer I'm determined to be back in shape!

It's taken time to meal plan so that I get all the necessary nutrition each day. It's the right foods, the right portions of those foods and pre-planning to take what I need when I'm going to be out or in places where healthy options might not be available. Clean eating isn't something new to me but this is taking it to a whole new level. It requires balance and organization, commitment and discipline. It truly becomes a lifestyle.

Hopefully you know where I'm going with this. I've had to stop and examine the discipline and commitment I give my spiritual life. Am I committed to planning my time with the Lord? Do I put the time and work in? Do I give my time and effort to making sure this is a way of life? I have to admit, if I were giving the same amount of attention and discipline to my spiritual growth as I am to the 21 day fix, I would be seeing much better results. Toning my attitude to be spirit-led and not reacting in my flesh. Cleansing my heart, mind and soul to be filled with things above and removing the byproducts of crud that so often crowd my thoughts and feelings. Instead of tracking pounds and inches, I should be writing scripture on my heart and mind as I let His Word wash over me. I'm proud of my physical results and equally ashamed of lack of spiritual results. I am the only one to blame.

When I want a snack, I'm going to grab something healthy. There are no other options in my cabinets. The Oreos (yes, I did), Doritos and Little Debbie cakes have been replaced with raw almonds, fresh fruit and hummus and veggies. But if I want Christ-like behaviors and actions, I've got to also clean "house" by removing the sin and stains from my heart, mind and flesh. I've got to put in the time and effort to pre-plan and make sure I don't miss a "spiritual meal." I've got to be spiritually armed with God's Word and prayer. I can't just sit on the couch and watch the DVD. I'll never see results. I've got to commit to the plan, make it a part of my daily living, let it become my lifestyle.

It's equally hard. There are times I want to quit, cheat, just throw in the towel. But the results are more than worth it. I don't know what trials lay ahead and I want to be ready. Suited up and ready. 


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