Just Breathe...

"How can I, your servant, talk with you, my lord? My strength is gone and I can hardly breathe." Daniel 10:17

Have you ever experienced this? How can you even utter a word to the Lord when your strength is gone and you can barely breathe?

Are you stressed?
Just breathe...

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
Just breathe...

Have you gotten so bogged down under the weight of the pressure?
Just breathe...

Do you ever feel as though you simply can't make the right decision?
Just breathe...

Do you feel as though the decisions are so daunting you don't have the ability to even decide?
Just breathe...

Do you ever experience such anxiety it cripples you to a helpless state?
Just breathe...

Do you feel as though the waves might consume you?
Just breathe...

Do you ever feel as though peace escapes you?
Just breathe...

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him." Psalm 62:5

Breathe in. Breathe out. One simple breath at a time.

With each inhale, take Him in. Find rest in His presence. Breathe in His goodness. Absorb His peace.

With each exhale, whisper His name. Release the pressure. Let go of the overwhelming circumstance. Remove that which seeks to strangle the life out of you.

For this moment, what consumes you may take your breath away. It may bring you to a point of immobilization. You may not be able to move but all you have to remember to do is breathe. Just breathe. He breathes His life inside of you.

"Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD! Praise the LORD!" Psalm 150:6

You may not be able to handle your circumstance. You don't have to rejoice over your present state. You might not be experiencing joy through what you're facing. You may not be able to muster any semblance of normalcy in what you feel. Even if the air around you is so polluted by your situation, you can breathe in His goodness and breathe out praise unto the Lord.

Stop. Be still. Breathe in. Breathe out. Just breathe.

"Here" - Kari Jobe


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