Zephaniah 3:17

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Oh, how I love this verse! It is so rich with promises, it soothes no matter what my soul is facing.

God is with you.
When I feel all alone, abandoned, broken-hearted, destroyed, desolate...I can trust in the promise that God is with me. No matter who has failed me, He has never left my side. You are not alone. God is with you.

He is mighty to save.
I will never forget kneeling beside my bed as a tender-hearted five year old and acknowleding I needed a Savior. It is the salvation of your soul that I hope you've experienced - the gift of eternal life through His atoning sacrifice. The price He paid for you and me to have everlasting life. But it is also the salvation that comes through daily circumstances; the power He works in us to overcome the problems, pain, troubles and trials we face. He is mighty to save.

He will take great delight in you.
He delights in you and me, His children. He finds joy in His creation and we have been uniquely formed by His hands. Our lives bring Him glory. He is honored by our love and the example of Him that we portray. He takes great delight in you.

He will quiet you with His love.
I don't take this part of the verse to be a literal hush over my words. Rather, what it means to me is that my thoughts that run wild and my emotions that run high will be quieted by His love. When fears overtake me, when insecurities consume me, when thoughts of what if, what might have been, or what happened control my mind...I am comforted to know His love can still my racing thoughts and calm my high-strung emotions. He will quiet you with His love.

He will rejoice over you with singing.
It is no secret music is the essence of my soul, and singing praises to the Lord fills me with joy beyond what I can contain. But to know that my Creator sings over me with joy, it simply blows my mind! I lift my hands in praise to Him and He bows His head over me with resounding song. Be still my broken, human heart. This thought alone sends me to my knees in humility. He will rejoice over you with singing.

The God of the universe is with me, He saves me, He delights in me, He quiets me with His love, and He sings over me with joy! How can it be?! And here's the part that you cannot miss - He does this regardless of what I do. He is. It is part of His character - the true essence of his "Godness" - that causes Him to delight in us, rejoice over us with singing, quiet us with HIs love, save us, and always be with us. Oh Praise Him!


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