When Doubt Creeps In

I don't have to tell you my fears and insecurities to be vulnerable. Satan knows them and he absolutely works overtime to get to me. It's the moments that are supposed to be restful when sleep evades me because of worrisome thoughts. It's the moments when I'm weak, most likely from spreading myself too thin and not drawing on the strength of The Lord. Then I am bombarded by overwhelming fear. Panic-stricken thoughts paralyze me and leave me consumed. 

Where is my faith? Help my unbelief, Lord! I love You. I trust You. But why is this overtaking me?

If I think for one second that the devil hasn't latched on to a foothold in my mind then I have not acknowledged the true evil we wrestle against. 

When you are feeling overwhelmed by your circumstances, take time to listen to Me.

Lord, I'm more than overwhelmed. I'm consumed. Afraid. Paralyzed and helpless. I know You're there and I know You haven't left me but I can't seem to overcome my present state that has me in the grip of my fears. My mind goes to every possible scenario and circumstance that only lead to more worry and doubt. 

Listening to Me when you're feeling stressed requires discipline and trust. Your racing thoughts make it hard to hear My gentle whisper. Ask the Holy Spirit to calm your mind so that you can hear My voice. Remember that I - the Prince of Peace - am with you at all times.

I know you haven't left me. I know I must overcome the racing thoughts that flood my mind. Help me quiet my mind so that I can hear You. Help me feel You near. 

I am not only with you; I am also in your circumstances. Moreover, I am in control of everything that happens to you. 

But Lord, sometimes I don't understand why You would allow these things to happen. Why is there suffering and struggle and pain? I have to use every ouce of mental strength to stop my mind from plunging into the abyss of what ifs...and sometimes I admit I'm too weak to prevent the onslaught of worrying about everything that might go wrong.

Although I am never the author of evil, I am fully able to use bad things for good. This does not remove your suffering, but it does redeem it - infusing it with meaning. 

I know You work all things according to Your plan and purpose. I give You my fears, my doubts, my worries, even my struggles and ask You to draw me unto Yourself. I am seeking Your presence and Your word tells me when I seek You with all my heart I will find You. My hope is in You, Lord. Calm my mind and take captive every thought that is not grounded in You. 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

We who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary. Hebrews 6:18-19

*Excerpts from Jesus Today


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