Every Detail

The leaves are starting to change. The brilliance of the sun on a fall morning is blinding. I'm in my favorite chair. I've been here for three hours. Streams of sunlight are pouring through the window. I've had worship music playing for most of the time. I began with a heavy heart. The house was empty and quiet. I had a recurring moment of asking God why, why our baby. Then I found comfort in His word, peace in His presence, grace in His embrace. I've found so much encouragement in His written Word, so much peace in the words sung by artists pouring out their praises to a God who amazes me. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to sit still.

The beauty of this fall morning is surrounding me and I am overwhelmed by His goodness. I know I am not the only one processing grief, walking through tragedy, dealing with disappointment. So many are hurting. So many are searching for meaning. Too many are trying to make sense of things that just don't make sense. I can't imagine what you're going through. In my own grief I don't want to forget the needs around me. In fact it helps me remember that I am not alone - none of us are.

I need you to understand something. God holds every single circumstance we'll ever face. It doesn't necessarily remove the hurt and suffering but knowing that He is at work in all that comes our way allows everything, even the tragedy, to be filled with meaning. We may not gain a full understanding on earth but what we do gain is a clearer picture of Who He is and how He is at work in our lives.

Remember those turning leaves? Not a single one would change or fall if it were not orchestrated by the very Creator who spoke each one of them into existence. He gives life. He IS life! He knows the pain of death because He gave His very own Son over to death, the death I deserved. Yet He lives. Death was overcome and because of this we can look forward to spring. We can look forward to new life. We also look forward with hope and assurance to the eternity that is ours to claim when we accept His gift of salvation.

Here it is - the meaning of all of this. He gives us the ability to be SAVED from the pain, to be HEALED from disease, to be REDEEMED from this fallen world. The eternal promise of our salvation has been secured because of His death and life and while we may have to endure on earth, we have this hope to look forward to.

When I can't find understanding in my circumstance, I find meaning in His name that gives light to the darkness. When I can't seem to make sense of the uncertainty, I rest in His eternal promise.

The sun is still shining through the window. Outside it highlights the oranges and yellows that are now tinting the leaves. I find hope in the changing leaves because they serve as a reminder that He is watching over every detail of our lives.


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