Especially For You

A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace

It's a chorus ringing through my ears. It's a reminder I've needed today. Hope. It's a gift I have to remember to receive.

"No matter what is happening in your life now, your story has an amazingly happy ending. Though the way ahead may look dark to you, there is brilliant, everlasting Light at the end of your earth-journey. My finished work on the cross secured this heavenly hope for you, and it is absolutely assured. Moreover, knowing that your story finishes well can fill your present journey with Joy. The more you put your hope in Me, the more My Love-Light shines upon you - brightening your day." ~ Jesus Calling

Oh yes, that is what I desire! His Love-Light shining upon me to brighten my day.

"Are you sure, Lord? A thousand times I've failed..."

"My mercy remains."

"But what if I stumble again?"

"You are caught in My unending grace."

Joy. It's deep down in my soul...sometimes so deep, I have to wait for the bucket to come back up from the well so I can quench my parched soul. I'm dipping in deep today. Pulling up a storehouse full of it takes patience - a fruit that's usually spoiled by the time I get around to harvesting it.

There is heavenly hope. Even if what is happening in front of the present situation seems dark and bleak, there is Light at the end - the Light of the world giving my dark soul the hope of eternal life.

As a result of the fall, our hearts became deceitful and desperately sick. We are influenced by the nature of the fallen world rather than by God. But He sent His Son into the world, not to condemn us, but to save us. It's not the end of the world - it's not even the end of your life! It is just the beginning of your eternal life with Christ and your heavenly Father once you accept this gift.

The initial gift secures your eternal life. But thereafter come the gifts that perservere through your earthly existence. Hope. Peace. Joy. Love. Forgiveness. Grace. Mercy.

"Lord, even for me? I am the worst of sinners..."

"Especially for you."

The greatest gift the world would ever know. It doesn't just brighten your day, it saves your life!


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