Lessons from a Little One

In the past 2 days my little five-year-old boy has taught me some very important lessons. Yesterday was quite an eventful and chaotic day as I tried my superhuman juggling act, balancing work responsibilities, trying to be two places at the same time, along with being mom and wife and fulfilling all the expectations I felt were resting on my shoulders. My precocious five-year-old is always full of energy but I am so proud to report that he could not have been better behaved. I suppose both he and the Lord knew that I needed at least one thing to go easily. But it wasn't just that which made my heart smile.

In the middle of a frantic day when everything had to be on a schedule, I completely missed the turn for where I was supposed to vote. I went about 4 miles out-of-the-way and was completely lost and I started to get frustrated. I didn't have time to get lost and I certainly didn't have time to waste. We were on a tight schedule. I decided to pull over and try to Google directions when Elijah asked me what was wrong. I explained to him that I was lost and didn't know where I was going. Without skipping a beat and with profound wisdom he said matter-of-factly, "why don't you just pray and ask God to help us find our way? "

I stopped flipping through the phone and told him he was exactly right. I proceeded to pray out loud and then I think my little boy for reminding me exactly what I needed to do. Just a few minutes later we had found our way and despite the obstacles I was able to cast my ballot and still remain on schedule for the remainder of the day's demands. I made sure to let him know that God had helped us and that he had helped remind me of what I needed to do. I was so thankful to know it is ingrained in my little boy that we can take everything to God in prayer. After all isn't that what the song says? It is our privilege to carry everything to Him in prayer.

As we were driving home in the dark after a very long and eventful day, he shared from the backseat that he was a little bit scared. You see, the way to our new house is not yet familiar to him and so he admitted having a little bit of fear. I reminded him of one of our favorite Bible verses."What time I am afraid… " He finished it for me, saying he will trust in The Lord. As soon as he got done stating the scripture he exclaimed, "I feel little bit better now mom!" Nothing could have made my heart happier than knowing he could find comfort in the promises of our Heavenly Father.

The word of God is alive and active, living and breathing, sharper than any two-edged sword. His word is alive and active in us if we will claim it and acknowledge it in our lives. The power of prayer is at work in us because we can call upon his name at any time and with any request. Truly there is nothing too small or too great. And just as I have witnessed in the past few days there is no one too young or too old to know these truths and claim them for our lives.

This morning as we were getting ready for work and school I was trying to help my poor little boy breathe better through a very congested nose. I accidentally jabbed him in the nose with my fingernail. He immediately burst into tears and I knew that I had hurt him. He ran to his room and buried his head in his pillow as he was crying and I followed after him apologizing. "I'm so sorry E! It was an accident. I hope you know I didn't mean to hurt you." He replied through tears, "I know, mommy, I'm not mad at you. I love you. I'm just crying because it hurts." My heart melted.

Yet again my little boy was teaching me a lesson. I know my love for him - a mother's love - unconditional, neverending, sacrificial. But here he was, this young little life with limited understanding, demonstrating that same love to me. 

So often I pray, "Lord, help me teach him, help me show him, help me instruct him..." I take very seriously the responsibility placed on raising him and shaping this life. And yet what these instances have reminded me over these few days is that just because I'm the "adult" doesn't mean I am finished with my own growing, shaping and molding. I'm thankful to know in these experiences my Father has seen fit to teach me through the life of a precious little boy. 


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