Killing Time

I was killing time. Leisurely browsing and enjoying a few moments when I wasn't actually rushing here, there and everywhere. 

I felt as though my random stop was being utterly blessed when I found a literal steal on some household items that we could really use. I was so excited about these finds I think I might have been skipping to the register. Don't mistake my enthusiasm for being in a hurry. I certainly was not. 

There was only one register open without walking to the opposite end of the sore so I chose to wait despite 5 people already in line. After all, I was killing time anyway. 

I could sense someone in line behind me as I waited my turn. I admit I was somewhat zoned out until I could hear the person huffing and puffing, heaving huge sighs of impatience. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the person peering around me trying to see how many people were ahead. The foot started to tap. I sensed my own self getting annoyed, not at the wait, but at the one behind me unwilling to wait. Then out of the corner of my other eye there was more peering an more sighing. 

I was at the point where I was debating in my mind. Do I turn around? Do I say something to her? It wasn't really my place but now the man in front of me was aware as she was causing such an obvious distraction with her hurried antics. I refrained from an out loud outburst that would remind her we all would get a turn. In the very beginning when I first realized her hurry I contemplated letting her in front of me. At this point I had fully decided I would take my rightful turn in line and even make pleasantries with the cashier. 

It was my turn to have my items scanned  and I made small talk with the lady ringing me up. We talked about the incredible deal I was getting and both agreed it was quite a find. I took the opportunity to glance back at the rushed person who had been behind me. I took a quick look at first... Then did a double take as she recognized me and I knew exactly who she was. FROM MY CHURCH. 

"Oh hi," she said. 

I smiled and said hello back. She must have been embarrassed because suddenly she was joining in the conversation about my purchase. 

I wished everyone a wonderful day along with the reminder to, "take time to enjoy this beautiful day."

I didn't care if she knew that I knew she had been so impatient. I didn't care if my reminder was inappropriate, it was certainly warranted. 

By the time I got to my car I knew that I could have just as easily, and most certainly have already been, that impatient and hurried woman. "Dear Lord, help me not to be so impatient that time starts to kill me."

It was an honest reminder to me today. I pray it will be to you, too. 


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