You Love Me Anyway

There are moments weighted down so heavy with guilt that I can't fathom any thought of grace.

There are memories so heavy with looming thoughts of the past that I cannot see any hope for the future.

There are gruesome mistakes parading in front of me that I know leave me too far gone.

The time we're given on earth, the mere breath that makes up the expanse of our life, it's but a moment to God, a few decades to us. Yet somehow in this blink of an eye that I've already been given I've managed to fall so far from grace that surely I've landed outside of His reach.

Dare a blessing fall before me, I never think it rightfully mine. It simply cannot be, for I am the worst of sinners. There is no room for mercy mixed into the momumental follies of my life. 

I am the thorn in your crown.

I am the one who has caused You so much pain. I'm the one who cut so deeply with all the force of my wrong doing thrust upon You...

But you love me anyway.

I am the sweat from Your brow

I am the one pouring salt into Your already wounded face. I am the one You came to save and yet I am the one You are suffering for...

But You love me anyway.

I am the nail in Your wrist.

I am the reason You hung there. My sin, my wrong, my choices placed upon You on the cross that should have been mine. I am the reason You cried out asking God why He had forsaken You. ME! I am the one who would forsake You...

But You love me anyway.

I am Judas' kiss

I am Your betrayer. I am the one who followed You then so easily fell prey to the enemy's temptations and schemes. I am the one who chose another way. My kiss on your innocent face was the ultimate betrayal, the kiss of death, Your death...

But You love me anyway.

Surely I have fallen too far from Your reach. It must be said of me that I am outside the limits of Your grace. 

But You love me anyway. Your grace, Your mercy, Your sacrifice was for me - even me! 

At the point where I thought my sin was too far gone from Your forgiveness, You stretched out Your arms and showed Your love for me.

At the point where my life was too far beyond redemption, You shed Your innocent blood to cover all my sins.

At the point where every choice, every bitter thought, every crowning deed of my sinful life was placed upon You, You exchanged my filthy rags for Your robes of righteousness. 

I don't know how You can love me. I don't know why You hung there for me, even me. 

But You love me anyway. 

You Love Me Anyway - Sidewalk Prophets
I am a thorn in Your crown
But You love me anyway
I am the sweat from Your brow
But You love me anyway
I am the nail in Your wrist
But You love me anyway
I am Judas’ kiss
But You love me anyway


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