We wait for it, anticipate it, look forward to it all week. For most, Friday is the first indication we've made it through another week. Another week of school, work, responsibilities coming to a close. It usually comes with a sense of accomplishment, a feeling of relief that the weekend is within reach. 

It's Friday. It should bring celebration and rejoicing but on this Good Friday it brings a different kind of feeling. I'm reminiscent, reflective, contemplative of what this day represents. 

"It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. When he had said this, he breathed his last." Luke 23:44-45

It seems ironic to reference this day as "Good Friday," but it comes as no surprise that simple research reports that Good Friday is a day of prayer, repentance and reflection to meditate on the agony, suffering and ultimate sacrifice of Christ's death on the cross on this day 2000 years ago. 

It doesn't necessarily come with "celebration," but rather commemoration of what Christ did - the cost of my sin, the sacrifice He endured, the exchange of His life for mine. 

If ever there was a Friday to look forward to, today is the day. We honor His life, His death on the cross, His sacrifice. We know today marks the beginning of the biggest weekend there ever was. If ever there was a weekend to look forward to, it is this weekend. It is looking forward to what we know comes on Sunday. Thanking God it's Friday takes on a whole new meaning when we know that Sunday is coming!

TGIF...Thank You, Lord, for this day. This Friday. This Good Friday that serves as a reminder of the cross you endured. This day that brings your life on earth to close yet represents the resurrection and the gift of eternal life that is ours to come. This Friday that stands in remembrance of the suffering when You chose to take my place. This day when You traded Your will for God's plan. This weekend when You overcame death. Yes, TGIF!


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