Let Go (Part 2)

You may have read the last post and wondered what was going on. I can now make it known that on Friday I accepted a new position at Liberty. What will I be doing? Well...it's a brand new position with Graduate & Online Student Affairs, working as the assistant to the Director, handling student conduct and care issues for graduate and online students, developing a small office into the growing needs of a huge population of students, teaching online classes...and who knows what else!

I'm exchanging my Director's title for an Assistant one. I'm turning in my 12x15 private office for a 10x10 cubicle. I'm relinquishing my staff and personnel to become the supporting staff. I'm choosing business casual and leaving the business suits hanging. I'm pulling out of the "limelight" of class presentations and speaking for special events and handling most communications via the internet.

I admit. It's a really weird feeling. I woke up the day after nearly panicked and praying I hadn't made a mistake. So let me take you through the journey God lead me on.

Wednesday night I thought "No way. I'm not taking it. It's 5 steps backwards in my 'career.' I love my job. I'm good at my job. This isn't for me." And then Thursday morning I started reading in my quiet time and sensing God working on my heart. By the afternoon, I was distraught. I opened up my bible. Psalm 23. "The Lord is..." He is everything I need.

And then I read the phrase in Oswald's devotional: "When Jesus says, "Come," I simply come; when He says, "Let go," I let go; when He says, "Trust God in this matter," I trust."

I sat in my office and couldn't stop crying. As if God was sitting right there with me with His hands around me, I knew. I sensed. I felt. His presence. His peace. His persistence. You know when you hear people say "It was as if I heard the Lord speak to me"? Well, I was having that experience. I didn't hear a voice. I sensed it in my spirit. I knew this was His message for me. "Let go. Trust me. I'm going to take care of you. Leave the details up to me."

And so...I took the job. Probably one of the most difficult decisions for me. Ever. In my heart of hearts I could have made my career at the Career Center. But what I've chosen is to let my number one job be mom. See, the new position will give a different kind of schedule and flexibility and pace that doesn't cause me to have to be the boss of an office or a staff - all things I've thoroughly enjoyed - but all things that have certainly taken away my time and energy from what is most important - my family.

I can tell you, I'm still going through a "grieving" process. This is a huge transition. But already I've seen God blessing my obedience and faith, providing new and different opportunities (more on that to come!).

This is a journey. Thanks for coming along with me. Thank you for your support and prayers. I'll keep you posted!


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