
We talked about the baggage we carry around with us, so it only seems fitting we now discuss the difference between baggage and bondage.

How many times are we bogged down by the weight of the load we bear? It takes on the form of guilt, shame, pain, burdens, worry...among other things. And not only does it prevent us from moving forward in the life and plan God has, it actually steals our joy and strips the grace which is our gift to claim. We are shackled by guilt, paralyzed by pain, a slave to circumstances.

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." Galatian 5:1

Do we learn from life lessons? Do circumstances shape us? Do experiences teach us? Yes. All of the above. And the "baggage" we carry as a result certainly conditions our future responses, relationships and reactions. But we cannot live in bondage to our past. We are meant to grow and learn from these things, but we are never meant to be unmovable as a result of them. On the contrary, it's the very act of a shattered life molded back together that becomes a new creation. His plan is always to shape a willing vessel. He provides the healing ministry of restoration so that the outpouring may be a continual testimony of what He can redeem.

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 2 Cor. 1:4
He provides comfort, healing and peace. But He also provides freedom, better defined as exemption from external control, interference and regulation. When you're walking in the freedom He brings, nothing can interfere with your stride. Nothing can hold you down. Nothing can interfere with your progress forward. And out of your testimony a ministry is born.

"And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts." Psalm 119:45

As hard as it may be, lay it down, let it go, and let Him move and work so you can walk in freedom.


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